By – Henry S. Cotton, Jr.
This book is a revised version of my previously written book: “The Marriage Recipe.” As I will mention again later, after getting the responses from The Marriage Recipe from people who were not even married, and from finding myself referring to passages and topics covered in The Marriage Recipe, I began to look at that book a little closer, and then I asked the Lord if I should seriously see about getting it professionally published.
I was very close to having it published; until the Lord gave me an answer that I did not expect. First, He showed me that I definitely need to revise it; not for “MARRIED PEOPLE,” but for Relationships . . . period!
The Lord has been sending single people, engaged people, business partners, and people from different walks of life to me for counseling, and I found that much of the advice I was giving them was coming right out of my book.
Secondly, the Lord has laid it upon my heart to publish this book through the Saint James Missionary Baptist Church website.
Thirdly, it will not be for sale, but it will be published periodically through our blog and our Podcast.
Through our Blog and Podcast, we will be going into details about the book: “THE RELATIONSHIP RECIPE” so that the people will understand and they will know:
- What ingredients should be active in their relationship to help aid in its’ success.
- How much, and how often these ingredients need to be implemented in their relationship.
- Where to get these ingredients.
- Why these ingredients are necessary.
- Who should be implementing the ingredients.
- When these ingredients should be implemented.
- How to implement these ingredients.
I thank the Lord for inspiring me to write this book, and to let me know that it is not for my fame and glory, but I believe that many will be helped and blessed through the information found in this book, and that they will give the Lord His glory for blessing their lives. Praise the Lord!
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