Greetings my Sisters and my Brothers!
Thousands of people paraded up and down Broad Street Sunday Night to celebrate the victory of The Philadelphia Eagles’ Super Bowl victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. To call this a monumental event would be an understatement. It had me wondering how many Believers were in the midst of that mass.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with Believers cheering for their sports teams, nor do I think there is anything wrong with Believers celebrating their team’s victory. Of course it goes without saying that since Believers are Ambassadors and Witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ, their celebration should be decent and in order.
However, there is a couple of thoughts that came to my mind; as Believers celebrated with the rest of those mass of people who were showing their passion, excitement, happiness, etc., for their team’s victory, how much of this same enthusiasm do you, as a Believer, display at church or other Christian services When Christ’ victory over death is preached? How excited do we get, and how do we express it?
I’m not saying that Believers should all march down their proverbial “Broad Streets” to show their enthusiasm, but how do we think the Lord feels when He sees us show so much enthusiasm over a sports victory that may not have anything to do with us directly? Don’t you think the Lord deserves some show of emotion from His Believers for HIS victory?